İngilizce Vekaletname Örneği

CLIENT: …………..(ID:…..)[BCK1] 
Adress: [BCK2] 


• Att. Baran Can KAYA

Istanbul Bar Association, No: 57663

Hürriyet Mah. Dr. Cemil Bengü Cad. No: 4/3 Kağıthane/İstanbul

We hereby duly declare that we have elected and appointed; Att. Baran Can KAYA (ID:………………….) Attorney at Law and member of the Istanbul Bar Association with registration number 57663 to represent us by any and all means in all the conflicts, lawsuits, attachments, bankruptcies, criminal investigations which has or will be sued by or against us in the courts, court bailiff’s offices, bankruptcy offices or bankruptcy administrations, councils, departments, administrations of the Turkish Republic and at their every level and by real or legal persons; to file all complaints and denunciations; to perform the necessary transactions required to preserve our rights and interests; to apply for a law suit, litigation, criminal investigation and to defend these; to write the required documents with their signatures and deliver them to the offices they belong; to serve and be served on our behalf; to employ, hear and refuse witnesses; to appoint and dismiss experts, specialists, arbitrators and accountants; to represent us and defend our rights in front of arbitrators; to propose, accept and refuse oath; to issue and reply protests and notifications; to impose and cancel attachments, to demand and stop sale and to collect and accept money from courts, Execution Offices, Bankruptcy Offices or bankruptcy administrations and third parties ; to obtain decisions in relation to precautionary measures; to follow up and finalise our matters with the court bailiff’s office, bankruptcy offices or bankruptcy administrations ; to employ surveys; to apply for the determination of evidence; to transfer the lawsuits; to refuse judges; to participate in the lawsuits as intervener; to ask for the clarification and correction of the decisions; to lodge appeals, to apply for the correction of the decisions ; to apply for the return of the hearing and to be present at the hearings; to ask for enforcement and execution of the awards and decisions; to apply to be free from attending the trials; to participate the trials in absence; to sum it up, in order to be able to preserve our rights in all the stages from the start of a conflict or a lawsuit or a case to the final judgement, enforcement and execution to perform all necessary transaction on our behalf; to represent us in mediation, arbitration and all the other alternative dispute resolution processes; to represent us with all Private and Public Offices, Administrations, Ministries, Security departments, State Economic Enterprises, Municipalities; to give and take back all kinds of documents and petitions to deposit charges; to make settlements and discharge; to pay and accept compensation; the waive the trial and to accept such waiver, to enter into discussions with regard to documents and petitions; to take and give document by hand, to be able to act jointly or individually and if need be to give powers of attorney to others or make other participate with all or part of these powers or dismiss them.





 [BCK1]Please, write your ID number.

 [BCK2]Please, write your adress.

 [BCK3]Please fill the blanks.



Kendisini Avukat Baran Can Kaya olarak tanıtıp şahsıma ait numara dışında sizi arayan ve sizden kargo vb şeyleri gerekçe gösterip para tahsil etmek isteyen kişiler dolandırıcı olup bu şahısların beyanlarına itibar etmeyiniz ve en kısa süre içerisinde suç duyurusunda bulununuz.