

+90 530 446 26 81



Insurance Law

BCK Law and Consultancy

Insurance Law

As BCK Law and Consultancy Office, we work with insurance companies and insurance reinsurance companies operating in the field of insurance law in the fields of accident, loss, liability, transportation, credit and financial risks, health, pension and life insurance, as well as insured and insured and legal relations with these companies. We provide legal consultancy and advocacy services to our other policy beneficiaries clients.



Kendisini Avukat Baran Can Kaya olarak tanıtıp şahsıma ait numara dışında sizi arayan ve sizden kargo vb şeyleri gerekçe gösterip para tahsil etmek isteyen kişiler dolandırıcı olup bu şahısların beyanlarına itibar etmeyiniz ve en kısa süre içerisinde suç duyurusunda bulununuz.